Welcome Style Seeker!
Step 1: the Wardrobe Workbook
A major step in creating your new wardrobe is to clean out your existing wardrobe and eliminate the clothes you’re not wearing. You have to know what you already have to determine what you need. Start organising your wardrobe by implementing my 3 C’s. Make this a quarterly habit; it will guarantee that you curate a closet full of pieces you wear and love.
This e-book covers a two part -process.
Part 1: Clever questions and strategies to help you decide what clothes to keep
Part 2: A visual guideline with step by step instructions how to start building a capsule wardrobe with the clothes you already own
Less clutter, more clarity!
Let’s start!
Step 2: Your Style Cheat Sheet
I believe the first step in identifying your style personality is through organising your wardrobe! Assessing your wardrobe will lead you to discover what you love to wear. It’s important to analyse WHY you love certain items (even if it’s only 20% of your wardrobe), so take notes!
Step 3: Join the private facebook group
The Style Seeker Society Facebook Group is a safe place to grow your style skills through asking questions, sharing your ah-ha moments and getting opinions from other like-minded beautiful women like you. I will try my best to pop in twice a week to check your progress.
Step 4: Join shopshare
Access your exclusive ShopShare TV Channel and watch me shop! I share how & where to shop smart and build a wardrobe that’s intelligently stylish!